Wednesday, May 24, 2017

4th quarter reflection

Our project was to create a product. This took us a whole 4th quarter. Some challenges faced was getting everybody to contribute in my group. I learned along the way that time is very important. Some feedback I was given was that our graphic designs and website was very good and clean. I changed some stuff about our website along the way. My overall opinion of my work in 4th quarter is very good, I liked how everything came out.

I think I used my time very wisely in this class. I stayed productive by collaborating. Outside of class I came in and cleaned up our website.

I think my areas of strength are being a leader and collaborating. I maximized these strengths by applying them to real life and group.
Some areas of improvement I need are on the innovative side and creating new ideas that are innovative.

 What I loved most about this semester was switching up classes to meet new people. Something I would do differently is try to get my group to do more tasks instead of just half the group working. My overall take away is that time is very precious and being on task is key to get stuff done. One goal I would like to set for next year is spending more time working on certain parts of a project. My final thoughts are wow I'm going to miss everyone in e-Comm!!!! Thank you to all and a goodnight.

Monday, May 22, 2017

e9 Final

Overall I really liked working on this 4th quarter project. I liked having something to work on to keep busy and at times having to be a leader for my group. Our company name is On the Move which represents our scooter in a friendly manner. And our product name is Scoot- Scoot representing the scooter like the sound a car makes "Skrt Skrt". Our slogan is roll on because we like this slag because it attracts the type of people we want to buy our product. Our process in creating all the graphic designs started off with sketching and then bringing it to life in illustrator. For animation we also planned out our animations as a group then split apart and worked on our animations. In video we all worked on our story board then everybody contributed into producing and editing the video. For the website mostly me and Melia worked on it, I managed most of it and when I needed help Melia would help. I learned along the way technically, that being organized is key when doing all of these things. Professionally I learned some people will put in more work than others and it can be her to get everybody on task, and leadership can be difficult. Something I would do different is being better at getting everyone on task and doing their job, because otherwise a lot of work needs to be done. Something I would do the same is all the work and projects, I really liked how everything came out. Our presentation process worked out very well and everything was in order. In my eyes it was a success except some people could have talked more. Something I would do better is I would explain more of our graphics videos animations etc. Overall I think everything worked out and I'm generally happy with the end product(s).

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


So far in animation we have just finished all of our assignments. Most of my teams working together except for one partner. I think to improve we can all work together better. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

4th quarter graphic design

Combination mark logo

This was my teams' (On the move) combination logo. Since our company consists of scooters we put in a wheel like figure to represent the scooter wheels. Our main colors that we used are blue, light but and orange. In this logo we just have different shades of a blue. The typography is also different in each scoot and are placed so the wheel looks like an on going wheel moving. The shades of blu are also lighter the deeper the layer.

Website banner

This is our website banner except the banner I pulled up was missing the background of a galaxy. This shows that you can still have fun or scooter without getting hurt. We used the same theme with our combination mark logo and colors. the background of the galaxy helps represent the "live on the edge". By using the same color it shows continuity. 

Company logo

Our company name is on theme, we tried to incorporate something that shows the move. So for the we put an arrow on "Move". We kept similar colors from our combination mark logo. I also though adding the two wheels in the bottom of the arrow kind of representing the wheels of a scooter. 
I made the wheels a darker shade to give it more depth. I also gave it borders so the logo didn't seem to be in plain space. 


We tried to make this coupon more simplistic. Once again we used the same range of colors. We also kept the main scooter logo so you could tell what was being sold. To make it different we added a gradient to the border. So it didn't seem too open there was 2 borders added. The scoot scoot typography as changed so it was easier to read from ways away.


Our add has different colors than our other designs. The blues are more light. to make this more appealing we added the scooter so customers would know the main idea of the sale. We also added a headline to intrigue others. we also made sure the main price was able to be seen. this is where we added some more of the orange color. 

Graphic Design 

Overall I liked working on all of these graphic designs. I liked coming up with different ideas and designs for each product. i also really enjoyed working with my partners and starting off with nothing then ending with great end products. I made the company logo and the rest I started the ideas and headlines, themes and colors. I don't think our team really worked together and feel like we could've done better. Half the team was doing most of the work. Some ideas of improvement are coming together more often and brainstorming. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Overall the project was pretty challenging but it was cool seeing the finished project. a difference I saw between the two css files are the styles and designs, it looked completely different. The links side by side, I think the finished product looked way better than the beginning. It looked more clean and professional. I liked how we didn't really start off with nothing and we got to learn more about CARP and CSS. 

Something about contrast is it makes thing look better. Like by using color, shape and sizes. Like the shape of the dog, or color of the peom tying in with the fur color of the dog.

Alignment was important with the poem and title.

Repetition was important with font styles.

Proximity was important with the dog and where it was placed with the rest of the site.

Overall i liked the final product. This project was definitely harder than our last.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Logo Sketching and illustrator blog post

I had more than 3 ideas to choose from for my logo which I think was the hardest part, deciding what logo to create own Illustrator. My sketch Looked very similar to my final project only that i made more adjustments to the flower and my typography. In my sketch it wasn't as clean as my final project. I thought coming up with ideas was the hardest part of creating and sketching my logo.Once I had ideas everything seemed to flow from there. 

After creating a sketch and finalizing my decisions on what logo I was going to do, I went on illustrator to make my logo. I think the hardest part about recreating the logo from a sketch to an actual image was the typography of my name. Creating the leaf and the flower was probably the easiest. The flower looked more clean and put together on illustrator than on my sketch. 

My project was to show that I like nature and the outdoorsy incorporating a flower and a stem leaf into my name. I used a grey background to balance everything out in my name and make it look more clean. I also used the typography I did because it looks really formal and nice. I chose the color blue for my flower because it plays in and looks good with the background. 

In my opinion I think my logo came out the way I imagined it to be. My sketch was really simple.But my logo portrayed more and had more color and meaning which made it more amusing. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

A Bird Blog

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

To sketch all my 20 birds was pretty hard. Not to necessarily draw them but actually thinking of birds wether they were real life birds or cartoon characters. I made each different and unique by making sure they all each had their own separate individual differences, for example shape and size of the birds. Towards the end it started to get harder find different birds to draw so I had to cope with some challenging birds to draw with. I feel like I could've done more real bird drawings because looking back at it I mostly have cartoon and fiction characters. 

I chose to re-create the tootsie bird owl in illustrator. recreating this bird was honestly not that challenging. I think the most challenging part was getting his body shape and feathers right. I tried using the same colors as the one from the original bird., which I think worked out perfectly.The most easiest part about recreating this bird is he doesn't really have any texture in his body other than the fetches sticking out of his sides. So I didn't mess with texture too much. I do think I could've done better with his hat because there was a glitch on the side tip of his hat. Otherwise, I like how everything came out. 

The opinion on my work is that I clove made some of his more detailed parts more detailed. I really like how the glasses, beak and lollipop came out. The hat could use a little fixing. Same with the feet and outer part of the body. I think maybe if I had even out some of the owl it would look better and cleaner. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Meyer Briggs

Meyer Briggs Personality Type

My Meyer Briggs personality type was ENFJ. E for extrovert, N for intuitive, F for feeling, and J for judging. I think the main things that so far I think are accurate or being an extrovert and intuitive. Some celebrities I share my personality with are Johnny Depp, Joe Biden, Martin Luther King and more. People with this personality could be described as caring, driven and energetic. They also like see potential in everyone and try to make the world a better place.

I think my type description fits me pretty well. Something I think is right on is the extrovert part. I do feel better when I a around people and talking. Also I do want to try to make the world a better place. Something that I'm not sure really fits me is the intuitive part, I am not exactly sure if that fits me. My personality type does help me better understand the way I am. Like why I enjoy being around people and why I like the activities I do, why I am the way I am.

My role clarifies that I am a "natural born leader" which I can se why because my mom is always mentioning that my younger cousins look up to me because of how much of a leader I am. In a group sometimes I will be a leader not all the time, it really depends on the situation. I am not sure how people have understood me because of my personality type because I never and still don't really know about my own personality as much. But after this test I do. Some people may have issues with my personality.

By doing this assignment I have learned more about my self and my personality. I think its really interesting how some of these types are really accurate and relate to me. It really makes me want to learn more about myself and my personality like what else connect with my personality. Other personalities that I thought were accurate was feeling over thinking which is actually really accurate. It makes me wonder what questions and answers ended up tying in with my personality traits. 

I'm an otter ?!??! Who knew!

Wow this is crazy. In my e-Comm class we took a quiz on what animal we are. I got an otter. Which means I am really social, love people, and I enjoy influencing and motivating others. It describes this personality as "Tigger from Winnie the Pooh". I think most of the explanation of this personality is really accurate. I thought this quiz was very cool and fun. Reading the other descriptions of personalities I think the  otter relates to me more.

That's what's up

Monday, February 6, 2017

My favorite color is blue. I don't mind what color blue the color just really appeals to me. I like this color because it makes me feel really peaceful and calm. Unlike for example red which makes me feel weird, same with the color yellow. This color has always been my favorite color for as long as I remember. I don't ever remember liking any other color as a kid. Same as when I was younger I didn't mind what shade of blue it was. For some reason blue just was my favorite color and still is.

My least favorite color is pink and yellow. I don't like these colors because more specifically to yellow it is too bright and catches me off guard. I don't like pink it's not really my color. Pink just seems to outgoing for me, and same as yellow it catches me off guard. I also can't really see pink on any branding products. If i did see pink on products I would most likely not et the product. But then again that is just me. Who knows maybe I would depending on the product.

I think the color theory is really interesting. Because it is true that all colors make different people feel different kind of ways towards color. Whenever you look at a color you get an automatic thought of your feelings towards that color. Colors can make you feel happy, sad, angry, depressed etc. You also get reactions from colors, they can make you recognizes a message from the color which then trigger a reaction. Which can explain why people like the colors they do and dislike the colors they do. Overall there is a lot of phycology that goes with the color theory.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Illustrator assignment 2

Using Illustrator with the shape and pencil tool


My sketch was of Spongebob, making this in illustrator was actually harder than it seems. The key elements I used in my sketch was making sure to place Spongebob's holes and eyes, nose, freckles etc.  in the right place so it would look more accurate. Also another key element was making sure the color's were accurate with his actual character. After my spongebob sketch I drew an angry bird. Then I decided to put it on an ice-cream cone. I have no idea why the idea just came to me because of the bird's shape.

New skills in illustrator:

Some new tools we learned about were the shape tool and the pencil tool. I think these tools are better than any other we have accommodated so far because of the outcome you get from using them. The first assignment we did was creating a Pac-Man like shape with the shaper tool and pencil tool. then after this assignment we used our challenge work and tried making that in Illustrator. I think since spongebob had more curves and harder features to make in illustrator the pencil tool and shaper tool really helped with this.

What I created: 

As I said I made spongebob, and a design with circles which mad a Pac-Man like shape. I think the most difficult for me was spongebob. Don't mind his arms because a friend was messing around with it and I didn't have time to draw his arms and shape him up a bit. Other wise the first assignment was not difficult. Starting with the first assignment before doing our challenge work really helped me since I had already been using the tools. Since I had done assignment before I was more used to the tools which really hoped me with drawing my challenge work. The angry bird assignment was also not that difficult since all of the shapes incorporated do not have difficult shapes to make in Illustrator. 

What i like about Graphic Design: 

I like how in graphic Design you start off with a sketch and then get to se what you first imagined in your head come alive. Also all the options you can make in illustrator.
(Don't mind the arms on the spongebob)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What is graphic design? (project based)

What is graphic design? 

At first I wasn't sure what I was going to draw. The drawings I had seen seemed to have a theme go along with it. At last i chose to incorporate a rain cloud into my drawing, and then somehow adding the logos in there. i did choose to put logos in my drawing because I feel like that is a very common and big part of graphic design that we see a lot everyday. I also did use typography and tried using different fonts in graphic design and using logos with letters that could be incorporated in the words graphic and design. I used typography because I thought it worked well with what I was dating. 

The 7 key elements in graphic design are texture, size, shape, space, line, color and value. i made sure to incorporate all of these into my drawing of graphic design. For example adding texture into the cloud, using different fonts and colors and sizes of my different fonts. Making sure there is enough space between the logos so its not to clumped. Making sure to find value in all the different parts of my drawings. 

I liked my work because of how I had the theme with a cloud and raindrops with all the logos. I also liked how it was mainly based off of logos. I also liked the sketching process because you had nothing to think off of and just had to go off your imagination. Staring off the sketching process I had no idea what I as going to do. I had to let the ideas come to me which was probably my favorite part.