Friday, January 27, 2017

Illustrator assignment 2

Using Illustrator with the shape and pencil tool


My sketch was of Spongebob, making this in illustrator was actually harder than it seems. The key elements I used in my sketch was making sure to place Spongebob's holes and eyes, nose, freckles etc.  in the right place so it would look more accurate. Also another key element was making sure the color's were accurate with his actual character. After my spongebob sketch I drew an angry bird. Then I decided to put it on an ice-cream cone. I have no idea why the idea just came to me because of the bird's shape.

New skills in illustrator:

Some new tools we learned about were the shape tool and the pencil tool. I think these tools are better than any other we have accommodated so far because of the outcome you get from using them. The first assignment we did was creating a Pac-Man like shape with the shaper tool and pencil tool. then after this assignment we used our challenge work and tried making that in Illustrator. I think since spongebob had more curves and harder features to make in illustrator the pencil tool and shaper tool really helped with this.

What I created: 

As I said I made spongebob, and a design with circles which mad a Pac-Man like shape. I think the most difficult for me was spongebob. Don't mind his arms because a friend was messing around with it and I didn't have time to draw his arms and shape him up a bit. Other wise the first assignment was not difficult. Starting with the first assignment before doing our challenge work really helped me since I had already been using the tools. Since I had done assignment before I was more used to the tools which really hoped me with drawing my challenge work. The angry bird assignment was also not that difficult since all of the shapes incorporated do not have difficult shapes to make in Illustrator. 

What i like about Graphic Design: 

I like how in graphic Design you start off with a sketch and then get to se what you first imagined in your head come alive. Also all the options you can make in illustrator.
(Don't mind the arms on the spongebob)

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