Wednesday, May 24, 2017

4th quarter reflection

Our project was to create a product. This took us a whole 4th quarter. Some challenges faced was getting everybody to contribute in my group. I learned along the way that time is very important. Some feedback I was given was that our graphic designs and website was very good and clean. I changed some stuff about our website along the way. My overall opinion of my work in 4th quarter is very good, I liked how everything came out.

I think I used my time very wisely in this class. I stayed productive by collaborating. Outside of class I came in and cleaned up our website.

I think my areas of strength are being a leader and collaborating. I maximized these strengths by applying them to real life and group.
Some areas of improvement I need are on the innovative side and creating new ideas that are innovative.

 What I loved most about this semester was switching up classes to meet new people. Something I would do differently is try to get my group to do more tasks instead of just half the group working. My overall take away is that time is very precious and being on task is key to get stuff done. One goal I would like to set for next year is spending more time working on certain parts of a project. My final thoughts are wow I'm going to miss everyone in e-Comm!!!! Thank you to all and a goodnight.

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