Friday, February 17, 2017

A Bird Blog

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

To sketch all my 20 birds was pretty hard. Not to necessarily draw them but actually thinking of birds wether they were real life birds or cartoon characters. I made each different and unique by making sure they all each had their own separate individual differences, for example shape and size of the birds. Towards the end it started to get harder find different birds to draw so I had to cope with some challenging birds to draw with. I feel like I could've done more real bird drawings because looking back at it I mostly have cartoon and fiction characters. 

I chose to re-create the tootsie bird owl in illustrator. recreating this bird was honestly not that challenging. I think the most challenging part was getting his body shape and feathers right. I tried using the same colors as the one from the original bird., which I think worked out perfectly.The most easiest part about recreating this bird is he doesn't really have any texture in his body other than the fetches sticking out of his sides. So I didn't mess with texture too much. I do think I could've done better with his hat because there was a glitch on the side tip of his hat. Otherwise, I like how everything came out. 

The opinion on my work is that I clove made some of his more detailed parts more detailed. I really like how the glasses, beak and lollipop came out. The hat could use a little fixing. Same with the feet and outer part of the body. I think maybe if I had even out some of the owl it would look better and cleaner. 

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