Monday, February 27, 2017

Logo Sketching and illustrator blog post

I had more than 3 ideas to choose from for my logo which I think was the hardest part, deciding what logo to create own Illustrator. My sketch Looked very similar to my final project only that i made more adjustments to the flower and my typography. In my sketch it wasn't as clean as my final project. I thought coming up with ideas was the hardest part of creating and sketching my logo.Once I had ideas everything seemed to flow from there. 

After creating a sketch and finalizing my decisions on what logo I was going to do, I went on illustrator to make my logo. I think the hardest part about recreating the logo from a sketch to an actual image was the typography of my name. Creating the leaf and the flower was probably the easiest. The flower looked more clean and put together on illustrator than on my sketch. 

My project was to show that I like nature and the outdoorsy incorporating a flower and a stem leaf into my name. I used a grey background to balance everything out in my name and make it look more clean. I also used the typography I did because it looks really formal and nice. I chose the color blue for my flower because it plays in and looks good with the background. 

In my opinion I think my logo came out the way I imagined it to be. My sketch was really simple.But my logo portrayed more and had more color and meaning which made it more amusing. 

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