Monday, December 19, 2016

Technical Tutorial

For my technical tutorial I will be showing how to start a new project from Adobe Premium. First you go to applications and go Adobe Premium. You open it up and press new project. Once that is opened up you start our project. Make sure your project name is changed so when you need to open it back up you know what file it is.


i think my strengths in e-Communications is the video strands. I think I need improvement in animation, I am not the best at animation. The most I loved about this semester was video and learning all about what has to happen behind the camera to get a good video. Something i would do differently is write more notes in animation so I don't fall so behind. Overall I earned that-Communications and the projects take a lot of time. One goal I have for next semester is to become more involved in e-Comm outside of school. 

Web Design 


The process took awhile considering the tutorial videos where pretty long. I did have to stop a couple times to re-watch and make sure I did everything correctly. I had never used DreamWeaver so that also took me awhile to get used to. The actual website wasn't very hard, you just had to make sure you were doing everything correctly. 

Project time

For this project we had about 3 days to work on it and I honestly think that was enough to go through all the videos and make your website. I actually ended up finishing early. I did use my time wisely during class and asked questions when i needed to, I also didn't need to come in before or after school.


Some challenges I faced was with the coding and how it somehow messed up my website with the format. I asked Mr.Cooper and he could not figure stout so we left it as is. Other than that I did not really face ay other challenges and understood most of it.

What I learned

I learned web design isn't the easiest and it takes not of time and patience especially when you run upon a problem. 

Overall opinion

Overall I really like web design. I already had some web design before dong this. In 8th grade I took computer applications and one quarter was all about web design and coding. I also really liked my final outcome


Monday, December 12, 2016

Chase Scene Video

This video was definitely one of my worst ones. We got all the shots needed but I needed to get the editing done fairly quickly. I did learn how to do new things with adobe premiere besides the badly edited video. I learned how to add a blank screen with text which seems easy but takes more steps than I anticipated but I learned how to. I think next time something I will do better is editing for sure and possibly getting more shots so all the scenes tie in together and make sense. Also shortneing some rather long scenes because this video is probably one of my longest videos.