Tuesday, November 15, 2016

six shots system video

Six Shots System video

 For this project we had to film using all six shots. Medium, wide, close up, extreme close up, over the shoulder and extreme wide. each frame had to be from 3-4 seconds. It took to class days to finish my video. We also couldn't cross the axis line in the video. It wasn't to hard to produce the video because I had a story board to go off of that we did before shooting the video. Along the way I learned that sometimes you have to change some of the story line to make the story make more sense and be a little more entertaining.To edit my video I used adobe premier, an editing software. I thought  it was going to be a little harder to use but I actually didn't have that hard of a time using premier and editing my video.

Next time I do this video I think I will se a different story line because I don't like the story line I used for this project. Overall I thought this project was fun and I learned new things I never learned like the six shots and the axis line rules.
XOXO Gossip girl (Sammy Sierra)

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