Monday, October 31, 2016

 Six shots SYSTEM

 This photo represents the over the shoulder. And that is Kaiti Parks representing my over the shoulder picture.
This is a close up of just my hands. When this happens that means something important is happening.  And in this picture Maddy Mcgavren is taking a picture of Dylan Naylor. Do not worry he did not jump.  

And this is a medium wide shot. This is me jumping up in the air. this could also be considered a action shot. 
And this is an extreme shot of Olson's class. They are doing there bouncing ball animation. Extreme shots can be used to establish where something is taking place. 
And this is an extreme close up of Dylan. You can just sense how un comftarable
 this was from how close up it was.
And this is just a wide shot. Sorry it is a video, Kaiti Parks took a video, shaking my head. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Social Media

What I think about social media, and what we post.
I think it is very true that teenagers think that they can post or send whatever thinking they can just delete whatever they posted when thats not true. People will screenshot and whatever you post can haunt you in the future. For example when applying for college, they have access to all your social media like anyone else and just one tweet one Facebook tweet can end your college dreams. Although I think they shouldn't be investigating your social media posts because not everyone perfect and we all have our flaws and some might be shown in our social media posts. Also we should have the freedom of speech and be able to post things and not have that affect our future, unless it influences drugs or alcohol because this really bad.  

Although I do like social media, it can be dangerous at times and you have to be safe with what you put out there.

So thats it for today guys! XOXO
-Gossip girl ( Sammy) 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Elevator Pitch
My name is Sammy Sierra, my favorite color is blue and I like watching the flash, the walking dead, american horror story, the arrow, super girl and Grey's anatomy. I am an ONW student apart of raven service club, medical club, principals advisory, robotics, basketball and track! My peers often think I'm cool and funny. I want to play a role in video and maybe ONW now. My motivation is my mom and my dog. I also like to interact with my dog like the dog whisperer. I have been told i have good communication and collaboration skills. I don't really know what do in the future possibly something in the medical field not really sure yet. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Building Process 
I think building and animating this house was one of my strengths compared to all my other animations. I had a lot of fun finding out what house i was going to replicate and actually building it. 

What I learned
I learned that building a house has a lot of steps to it, like when you are trying to get exact measurements. I also learned you can do a lot with sketchup. For this project we just built a house but sketchup can be used for many other things. I also learned about 3d warehouse, which is used to add other objects that are harder to build into your project, I thought that was really cool because it had so many options and made it seem a little more fun. When I added my showing to my house I think it really gave it more life and more realistic.

Animating process
The animating process was really easy compared to photoshop which had many steps to it. I really liked how easy it was on sketchup.